Design: Peugeot Serpollet by Andrei Avarvarii

Publicat: 11 03. 2009, 19:03

Peugeot Serpollet, triciclul anului 2029 imaginat de Andrei Avarvarii, este un mijloc de transport personal, destinat unui călător şi propulsat de două motoare electrice, situate în roţile din spate, în timp ce sistemul fuel-cell se găseşte sub compartimentul pasagerului.

Bineînţeles, după cum se poate observa foarte uşor, vorbim de un concept în stare virtuală, ca schiţă, dar care se doreşte un răspuns plauzibil aglomeraţiilor urbane actuale şi din viitorul actual, precum şi nevoii de maşini ecologice, cu un impact cât mai redus asupra mediului.

Peugeot Serpollet 2029 vine cu nişte surprize inedite: maşina are ampatamentul variabil, precum şi garda la sol, iar, în cazul parcărilor foarte strâmte, există posibilitatea de micşorare a dimensiunilor. Serpollet pare un răspuns mobil şi pentru curentul "social networking" din internet: este un vehicul modular, care se poate combina cu alte maşini de acelaşi tip, rezultând o maşină mai mare.

Până la patru maşini Serpollet se pot combina pentru a crea un… Serpollet x 4. Adică o maşină cu 4 locuri indepedente, pasagerii având posibilitatea de a interacţiona direct, în timp ce energia este mult mai eficient consumată.

Dar să-l lăsăm pe Andrei Avarvarii să vorbească singur despre proiectul său:


Our world is getting minute by minute more complicated and crowded. Extraordinary efforts are made to preserve the natural harmony on planet Earth. In such moments in order to evolve one has to remember his roots.

My concept has deep in its DNA the genes of the very first automobile to use the Peugeot name, the tricycle produced in co-operation with the great steam specialist Léon Serpollet in 1889. This classical layout with two big wheels in the rear and a smaller wheel in the front is not only romantic, but of great use in the ever-growing city traffic.

Besides that, everything about the new Serpollet is modern. Designed as a single place module vehicle (studies show that most of the cars today carry only one person at a time) the tricycle is propelled by two electric motors located in the rear wheels. Electric fuel cells are neatly stored under the passenger compartment.

But the really great thing about Serpollet is its ability to change shape according to needs. The car can alter its wheelbase and ground clearance providing agility and easy access when needed. It can even minimize its size when it auto-parks to occupy less space.

By now you may wonder what is the point of something great if you can’t share it with the others?! Serpollet is actually ready for that. Being a modular vehicle it can assembly with other Serpolets and create a bigger car. Up to four trikes can join into a four-seater Serpollet x4. The ingenious door/window system allows direct contact with the inhabitant located to your right or left. In assembly mode (2 or 4 cars) Serpollet uses energy more efficiently and minimizes the space required on the road. You and three friends are going to the movies or a ball game?! Meet-up, assembly and there you are!

You may wonder who gets to drive the car?! In the megalopolis of tomorrow the powerful information system keeps record of everyone’s driving history. Drivers with lesser incidents and more experience are designated by the system to conduct the assembly.

The Serpollet x4 layout may get some smiles. But there is actually a different reason to that than the playful character of the car. The elevated position of the rear passengers allows them to also see the road ahead.

There are lots of things to be said about this concept, please pay attention to the details in the drawings and discover as many of them as you can. I hope in this process you can have at least as much fun as I had drawing them.